Urgent update to November 2021 tuition 

It is with regret that, due to severe and sudden illness we have made the difficult decision to cancel all Training-by-Eos tuition for the November 2021 Case Study exam.

A member of the team will be in contact with all existing students to go through the refund process.

Knowledge, skills and expertise

Our unique experience gives you the tools you need to pass

Neil brings a unique and valuable perspective to ICAEW Case Study tuition, having led the ICAEW Case Study examining team as Senior Examiner for 12 years. During this time his team produced 25 live examinations and introduced Competency Based Assessment to the ACA Case Study Exam. 

Using our unrivalled combination of experience in setting and marking ACA Case Study, we build your confidence and give you the exam technique you need to pass.

Whether you are looking for a complete tuition package, or simply to enhance your existing tuition with ACA Case Study Mock Exams or Advance Information Analysis support, Training-by-Eos can help you.

5 ways we will support you

Training-by-Eos are ICAEW Case Study specialists. We believe that everyone who has made it this far is capable of passing the ACA Case Study exam, and we are here to help you.

  • Our FREE Marks Feedback Review course gives you the understanding of where you went wrong, what the examiners were looking for, and enables you to create your plan for passing

  • Our Mastering Case Study course builds your confidence in using our proven exam technique

  • Our Case Study Masterclass Tuition guides you through the ICAEW Case Study Business Advance Information, and develops your exam technique using 4 Mock Exams based on the Live AI

  • 4 Mock Exams written by our ICAEW experienced team, including an illustrative answer, planning sheets and ICAEW style marking key provide you with detailed feedback

  • Our forums enable you to ask questions of our tutors and discuss ideas with your colleagues

Why choose us

  • Outstanding pass rates

    In the November 2020 exam, Beal, our students achieved an average pass rate of over 20% points more than the ICAEW equivalent (89.7% v 69.1%).

  • 100% of our students recommend us

    "I have recommended Case by EOS to 3 people sitting in November as it is the best case tuition provider. Nothing but praise for the work and effort put in." - Amjad, passed August 2020

  • Available across the globe

    We have worked with 4,400+ students across 42 countries since 2011

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ICAEW Case Study

Preparing you for success

ICAEW Partner in Learning

Recognised as an ICAEW Partner in Learning, working with ICAEW in the professional development of students

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