Urgent update to November 2021 tuition 

It is with regret that, due to severe and sudden illness we have made the difficult decision to cancel all Training-by-Eos tuition for the November 2021 Case Study exam.

A member of the team will be in contact with all existing students to go through the refund process.

Our knowledgeable team is available to support you

By email: 

General questions about our courses, learning materials and student support

[email protected]

Questions about your Mock Exam submissions, marking, results and feedback 

[email protected]

Via your course:

Discussion areas

Once you are enrolled, you should use the relevant discussion area for questions about your course, concerns about your understanding of the material and requests for clarification.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you review my ICAEW Marks Feedback?

    Absolutely, and we will do this for free. If you sat Beal (November 2020), enrol for our free Beal Review Toolkit. If you sat another ICAEW Case Study exam, send your Marks Feedback to [email protected] for review.

  • Can my employer pay for my tuition?

    Yes. If your employer wants to pay by credit card, sign up and enter their details in the payment section. Alternatively, request an invoice from [email protected] - make sure you include your name and your employer's name, contact name, email address and postal address. We will raise an invoice within 2 working days and send via return email.

  • Do you offer classroom tuition?

    No. Training-by-Eos is an online tuition provider only.

  • Do you offer tuition for other ICAEW exams?

    No. We only offer tuition for Case Study.

  • Are all your Mock Exams in Case Study Masterclass Tuition based on the 'live' Advance Information?

    Yes. We produce 4 Mock Exams based on the 'live' AI for your exam, which are used in our Case Study Masterclass Tuition and are available to purchase separately.

  • I will not be able to submit my Mock Exam on schedule; can it still be marked?

    The deadlines are in place to ensure we provide you with the relevant information to develop your Case Study exam technique. If you are going to submit late, please email [email protected] to request an extension and we will use our best endeavours to mark your Mock Exam. Scripts will not be marked after the published results day.

  • How do I use ICAEW's new CBE software for mock exams?

    You can download a blank version of CBE from www.icaew.com. At this stage do not spend any time learning how to use it as ICAEW has not yet published how it will be used for the Case Study. We will be sharing further guidance on this so please sign up to our blog and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

  • Do I have to use the Scour Case Study in Mastering Case Study?

    The Scour material is already available in Mastering Case Study. However, the techniques for analysing the Advanced Information and answering the Exam Paper requirements apply to any Case Study since November 2018. If you need to use BM (November 2018), Playfree (July 2019), Doughby (November 2019) or Beal (November 2020), please email [email protected] for the relevant PDF downloads.

  • Do I have to pay the inclusive of VAT price?

    If you are based in the UK or any EU country, you must pay the inclusive of VAT price. A list of EU countries can be found online. The Channel Islands and Isle of Man are not part of the UK and do not pay VAT. We use the postal address you give at payment to determine your VAT status. If you have paid an incorrect course fee, we will contact you to make a top up payment and your place on the course may be frozen while we process this, so please choose carefully.

Case Study blog

A FREE resource for all Case Study students: exam preparation and technique tips delivered straight to your inbox.